送小孩祈福纳祥(Blessings to children for good fortune and auspiciousness)
送小孩祈福纳祥(Blessings to children for good fortune and auspiciousness)
送亲朋吉祥如意(Wishes of prosperity and good luck to relatives and friends)
送长辈健康长寿(Wishes of health and longevity to elders)
真黄金红包,有美好祝福寓意(A genuine golden red envelope, carrying the meaningful blessings)
Product Detail:
Gold type: 999 Gold
Condition: Brand New
Weight: 1.00g
Dimensions of 1.00gm
Length: Approx 10.30cm
Width: Approx 5cm
* Please note that colour of product may differ due to camera lighting and screen resolutions.